Friday, October 2, 2009

Part-time Nanny, Part-time Cocktail Waitress, Part-time Receptionist?!

My life here in Bruchmulbach continues to be filled with many blessings and everyday seems to introduce me to something new. These last few days here Anthony and I have been a litte under the weather (just your typical change of weather cold), so we've been keeping busy with pretty low-key activities. Yesterday I took Anthony on his first train ride to a village called Landstuhl which is only a four minute ride north of here. He loved it!! He sat on the his knees on the seat and looked out the window and for the rest of the day you would think the only thing he knew how to say was "choo-choo train!" Aside from the motivation to take Anthony on the train, we went to Landstuhl with a purpose: a job "interview" at the Yankee (it's a sports bar). It wasn't really an interview because I was already offered the job as a cocktail waitress, so it was just an opportunity to look around the village, see the business and decide if it was a place I was interested in working part-time on my days off with the Amores. On my train ride home from Paris I met the owner of the business, a 62 year old Vietnamese woman who is one of the sweetest ladies in the world. She has six kids and the youngest of them are about my age. She owns six businesses in the area and told me that she would train me at the sports bar if I wanted to work some nights and if I were interested in working during the daytime she wants to train me to work the reception desk at one of her hotels, The Avalon. My work schedule with the Amores is kind of hard to work with, but she seems more than willing to make it work so I am going to give it a try. Many military personnel stay in the hotels in Landstuhl so 90% of the people that I will be in contact with will speak English...and with the other 10%...who knows what I'll do! Laughing a lot at my lack on language skills seems to get me a long way so that's how I imagine things will go! Yvonne didn't seem to be the least bit worried about me not speaking German. I think it will be a fun way to occupy some of my free time while I'm here and it will be a great way for me to meet people, so overall I'm pretty excited about the opportunity. I should be doing a couple days of training here within the next week or two, so I'll keep you posted with the new job(s) situation! Jessica has today and tomorrow off so I think we are going to take a drive up to Kaiserslautern this afternoon and take Anthony to a dinasaur park that they have there if it warms up...this morning it was only 44 degrees! Brrr!! Usually by about 11 or 12:00 it gets up to about 70 though so there is hope for another nice day here in Germany!

*Who likes Anthony's mohawk?! haha Joe won't let me shave it off!! :P


  1. Finally an update. I check your blog everyday for new adventures. Grandpa noticed the very first thing that Anthony had a mohawk.(Wonder why he would notice a haircut) He said to tell him Grandpa likes it!! Be careful and don't be to trusting. Miss you so much. Pray for you daily. I didn't know how to send a comment so I was playing around and when I finally did it right it sent. Sorry about the practice comment. Love Grandma and Grandpa

  2. I vote no more mohawk....
    Love, Anthonys Mommy!
